Friday, September 13, 2013

Tony's Women Troubles

Tony Abbott has a lot of women troubles. He caused controversy during the election by saying that the then candidate, now MP Fiona Scott had "sex appeal" and telling the Big Brother housemates he was the one with the "good looking daughters. " But this time it isn't what he has said that's an issue but the women in his new cabinet - or rather the lack of them. 

With Sofie Mirabella unlikely to win her seat and Bronwyn Bishop probably  moving to the position of speaker, Concetta Fierravanti-Wells out of favour (partly due to her backing the failed Liberal candidate Jaymes Diaz) it is looking increasingly likely that the only woman to hold a seat in a new Abbott cabinet will be Julie Bishop.

There are a couple of less likely contenders. They include right-leaning  West Australian Senator Michaelia Cash, Victorian MP Kelly O'Dwyer and NSW senator Marise Payne.

Senator Cash made headlines recently calling out the Labor 'sisterhood ', yelling in the Senate chamber:

"I wonder how loud former prime minister Gillard screamed when her own sisterhood knifed her in the back,"

Ms O'Dwyer was elected into Parliament in a 2009 by-election and has little front bench experience.

Senator Payne is a party moderate and  has served on numerous parliamentary committees. She is particularly strong experience in defence, trade and foreign affairs.

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