Sunday, September 15, 2013

Changing Minds

Appealing to Liberal Voters

I should say that the opinions stated in this post are my own and are not those of any political party.

I read in an article recently a general description of Green voters compared to Liberal voters. A very general description and not supposed to depict every voter.

Green voters, the author said were more likely to be academic, socially conscious and logically minded. This is why they argue points with a lot of facts and data. Liberal voters on the other hand are emotionally minded. This does not mean that they are likely to change their votes, but rather that they respond better to strongly worded arguments, for example "Stop the Boats" or "repeal the x tax".

If this is the case and there is a fundamental difference in thinking, then it is no wonder it is difficult for a Green voter to change the mind of a Liberal voter. A Green voter, such as myself, will try a logical argument which Liberal will dismiss as more lefty nonsense.
I believe it is a mistake to, as some of my 'lefty' friends do, call Liberal voters idiots or worse. We are unlikely to convince people by calling them names. However if logical argument does not work and we do not wish to use the 'three word slogan' ourselves, it is unclear how to convince Liberal voters.

I am open to ideas.

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