Monday, September 9, 2013

Back to Reality

I have been reading quite a few strange posts after the election. Someone said Labor should block every bill in the Senate and take the coalition to court over the results of the election as they were illegal. Why? Because it released it's costings after the media blackout leaving other parties no right of reply. Others have even said that, in various areas Labor out-polled the coalition. 

I don't find this kind of discussion very helpful.  It doesn't help,  as Jesse Richardson put in his Open Letter ( ), to go off on 'sweary rants' As he writes we need to convince people  and persuade them that a progressive government is better than a conservative one. 

With this in mind, in my blog, I will attempt to be persuasive and positive where possible. I believe the facts and just the facts will be more than convincing enough without resorting to 'sweary rants'.

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