Monday, September 9, 2013

I'm a liberal.

No, I haven't gone strange. There is a substantial difference between a 'l' liberal and 'L' Liberal. A liberal believes in the principles of liberty and equally (equal rights, free trade, civil rights...) a Liberal is a member of a conservative political party. I am not a conservative. I am not a Liberal.

I don't blindly believe the policies and statements from one party to the exclusion of the other. Neither do I agree with every policy from the party I ultimately voted for. I did do the VoteCompass on the ABC website and my results were fairly as expected:
Australian Greens 83%
Australian Labor 74%
Liberal / National 33%

In order in keep my promise of positivity from my last blog, I will not discuss negative aspects of the coalition, but rather what I support. Not all of these are policies of the Labor or Greens but I think after reading you will know where my allegiances lie. These are my beliefs though, not any party doctrine.

* I support a carbon price and a move from environmentally harmful energy sources to climate friendly ones.
* I support better conditions and freedom from detention for asylum seekers.
* I support a National Broadband Network.
* I support workers rights and their right to participate in a union and for unions to negotiate contracts.
* I support equal marriage.
* I support women's rights .
* I support disability care.

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